AXA Distributors Launches Retirement Savings Campaign

AXA Distributors is launching a new advertising campaign in an effort to help advisers who sell annuities spur interest in retirement savings among their clients.

The marketing campaign includes education materials, free coffee and television spots featuring an 800-pound gorilla. The television campaign will use the 800-pound gorilla, a metaphor for retirement (something that’s on everyone’s mind, but nobody talks about) featured in AXA Equitable Life Insurance Co.’s campaign to try and reach financial professionals.

AXA Distributors has developed materials to help consumers examine potential sources of retirement income, including:

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  • mutual funds,
  • individual retirement accounts,
  • pension plans,
  • Social Security, or
  • full-time or part-time employment and other options.

The adviser representatives will then work with consumers to figure out their retirement expenses and how to use financial strategies to close any gap that might exist between income and expenses.

According to a survey by AXA Distributors, less than half of U.S. workers age 55 and up have any idea how much income they will have in retirement and only 26% of people began planning for their retirement between the ages of 45-54, while 32% didn’t start planning until they were 55 or older.

To initiate conversation, AXA Distributors’ Wake Up! campaign offers to buy their annuity product representatives and their clients coffee gift cards.
