MetLife Offers Tools for Addressing Lifetime Income Needs

MetLife Investors Distribution Company, the distributor of products offered by the independent distribution arm of MetLife, has launched a marketing campaign designed to help advisers address their clients' need for retirement income.

“Solving the Mystery of Lifetime Income’ provides financial professionals with tools to assist clients who are approaching retirement and discuss the longevity risks clients face in retirement, how these risks can affect retirement, and how a variable annuity can help mitigate risks by providing lifetime income, according to a MetLife Investors press release. The tools include educational materials; worksheets for financial professionals, their clients and consumers in general; and brochures, sales ideas and seminars for use with clients.

The campaign materials also include a white paper written by Moshe A. Milevsky, Ph.D., associate professor of finance at York University’s Schulich School of Business and executive director of the IFID Centre in Toronto addressing the concept of sequence of returns and how the success of a retirement income strategy can greatly depend on when a person decides to start taking income, the release said.

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“This campaign helps financial advisers teach their clients that they can’t ‘invest away’ financial risks — they must insure against them,” said Elizabeth M. Forget, senior vice president at MetLife, responsible for Marketing and Product Management for MetLife Investors, in the release.

Campaign materials are available to financial professionals at wirehouses, broker/dealers and other financial institutions that have selling agreements with MetLife Investors.
