What Office Workers Don’t Like Doing

Mail and assorted monotonous tasks get a resounding thumbs down in survey of most-hated office tasks.

Office mail is just the worst, employees say. 

A national survey of 1,000 employees revealed that for those who work in their company’s front office, the most despised administrative task is preparing and sending office mail, according to Postalocity.com, an online mailing service.

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Sending invoices was specifically cited as the least favorite type of mail for half the group. Managing email came in second. The survey allowed participants to choose their own response, and the responses covered the spectrum of daily workplace frustration.

Other responses included “dealing with idiots,” “tedious, monotonous work,” “disciplinary actions” and “yelling.” Almost half (43%) “hate” sending bulk mail, and associated tasks and troubles as having to lick envelopes; printer jams; running out of supplies like paper, ink and envelopes; misaligned printing on labels; getting back undeliverable mail; and printing addresses upside down.

Front-office workers rated their least-favorite tasks:

  1. Office mailings
  2. Managing email
  3. Filing
  4. Meetings
  5. Dealing with people
  6. Answering the phone
  7. Planning lunch
  8. Doing payroll
  9. Cleaning
  10. In general, working
