Torabi Helps MassMutual Expand Education

Farnoosh Torabi has expanded her relationship with Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) to help bring financial education to young adults.

Torabi, an independent Gen Y Money Coach, author and TV personality, has been working with MassMutual’s Retirement Services Division for the past two years to help reinforce the importance of retirement planning for young professionals. Now the two have expanded their relationship to promote and educate about the importance of overall financial wellness.  

“We are looking for Farnoosh to provide thoughtful, useful content to MassMutual’s already robust social media and digital platforms,” said Marie Politis , vice president of Online Experience for MassMutual’s Life Company Marketing division. “Although her expertise lies in helping Millennials plan for their financial future, we fully expect that this information will be useful for all generations who are challenged by the same task.”  

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Torabi will be presenting RetireSMART seminars for MassMutual geared to women and savings (see “MassMutual Announces 2013 Seminar Agenda”), and will be featured in a new series, “Your Financial Future, NOW!,” along with other young professionals who share their experiences, insights and challenges in managing their finances. The video seminar series will explore budgeting, managing debt, joint finances, protection products and planning for retirement.   

Look for Torabi on MassMutual’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube platforms, as well as on
