FiPath Launches Client Acquisition Tool for Advisers

FiPath for Advisors introduced ReferMyAdvisor, which generates prospective clients through an automated e-mail marketing platform that contacts an adviser’s existing clients.  

Advisers can leverage a good client relationship to ask for referrals from the client’s friends and family. Clients to approach for referrals can be added singly or uploaded from an Excel spreadsheet. Once data on prospects, clients or referrals is in the system, it is managed on the platform or can be exported back to the adviser’s own database.

Introductory e-mail templates can be customized with the adviser’s own text. When a client enters information for a referral, the system generates an e-mail to the prospect, introduces the adviser and invites the referral to make an appointment. Prospects are also invited to take a quiz on financial preparedness. The system notifies the adviser by e-mail, giving the contact information of the referral.

More information on ReferMyAdvisor is available here.

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