RidgeWorth Offers Custom RSS for Advisers

RidgeWorth Investments said it has updated its really simple syndication (RSS) offering to allow Web site visitors to customize their feed.

Basically, the update allows visitors to tailor the information they receive from the investment manager. So, if advisers don’t want to read about all 50 of RidgeWorth’s funds, they can subscribe to just the areas they want to read about. For retirement plan advisers, for instance, that might be the Mid-Cap Value Equity Fund, Total Return Bond Fund, and Retirement Thought of the Week, RidgeWorth noted.

Whenever anything hits RidgeWorth’s Web site related to those topics, it goes out in the feed. For funds, the feed includes daily prices, quarterly fact sheets, commentaries, and shareholder reports.

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To read an RSS feed, advisers can use several services, such as Google Reader, Microsoft Outlook, and Bloglines. Ridgeworth suggested advisers with their own Web sites might also want to imbed the Retirement Thought of the Week feed on their own sites. More instructions can be found here.

RidgeWorth also offers a presentation explaining RSS and its benefits, available here.
