“Pitch Points” Aimed at Helping Advisers

T. Rowe Price will be rolling out a new value-add series called “Pitch Points” to better serve the defined contribution (DC) adviser market.    

“Pitch Points,” on topics such as fiduciary concerns, participant communications, plan design issues, and investment lineups, is intended to help DC advisers better communicate key retirement plan issues with current or prospective clients.  The one to two page guides will include sections such as:

  • The latest research on timely DC topics
  • T. Rowe Price’s analysis of the data
  • Tips on how advisers can turn that information into effective sales pitches 

One “Pitch Points” has been published so far, covering auto-enrollment plans.  The document can be seen here. Future “Pitch Points” will be coming out quarterly; the next one is scheduled for a December release.  They are free for anyone who registers at www.troweprice.com/fi.   

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