Q&A: WIPN’s 3rd President Talks About Formalizing Nonprofit Status

Laura Moskwa reflects on WIPN’s evolution, challenges for women in finance and her vision for the organization’s future growth.

Laura Moskwa

WIPN—We Inspire. Promote. Network.—is nearing the completion of its 15th year helping to connect, mentor and advance women in the retirement industry.

In this interview with PLANADVISER, Laura Moskwa, president of WIPN in 2013, shares insights from her journey with the organization and her broader experience in the financial services industry. Moskwa discusses the challenges women face in retirement services, including compensation equality and perceptions in leadership.

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She also reflects on efforts to formalize WIPN as a nonprofit during her presidency and offers thoughts on the organization’s future. Moskwa remains passionate about mentoring and supporting women, envisioning continued growth for WIPN to empower the next generation of female leaders.

PLANADVISER: Can you tell us a little about your background and how you became involved with WIPN?

Laura Moskwa: Sure. My name is Laura Moskwa, and I was the president of Women in Pensions Network in 2013. I remember the organization beginning at a financial services conference, which was predominantly men. A group of us women attending the event went to dinner one evening and started talking. We thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if we had an organization focused on women in our industry?” We wanted a space where we could not only connect socially, but also mentor one another, discuss issues in our roles, seek advice and just have a strong community of women supporting each other.

From there, it grew organically. The following year, we started gathering more formally, and eventually, a board was established. By the time I became president, we were well-known in the industry, and I saw the need for us to become more organized. We had sponsors, we were collecting money, and I realized we needed to formalize it, so we decided to become our own nonprofit organization.

PLANADVISER: Your presidency was when WIPN officially became a nonprofit?

Moskwa: Yes, exactly. During my presidency, we filed for nonprofit status and became a formal organization. We created bylaws, established a website and set everything in place to meet the legal requirements for a nonprofit. It was a big project, but it was necessary, and we managed to get it done.

PLANADVISER: What was it like for women in the retirement industry during your tenure?

Moskwa: In my 35-plus years in the industry, things have definitely changed, but some things remain the same. Women have made strides, especially in gaining more recognition and landing senior management roles, which was not as common when I first started. However, I still think there are gaps in how women are perceived compared to men. For example, when a man is direct, it’s considered leadership, but when a woman speaks directly, she can be viewed as aggressive.

Personally, I’ve always been direct. I give answers without sugarcoating, and that sometimes took people aback, especially men in senior positions. But I never let it hold me back. Over the years, you learn how to navigate these dynamics.

PLANADVISER: How did you handle situations where your directness caused tension?

Moskwa: It could go both ways. If someone pushed me enough, I’d get mad, and then things would need to be resolved. But for the most part, I stood by my opinions, and I always had a reason for saying what I did. I never just said things for the sake of it. The president of the company I reported to even used to laugh because he knew it was coming. I stuck up for things I believed in, and that’s something I’ll always do.

PLANADVISER: Now that you’ve stepped away from the industry, what do you think still needs to be done for women in financial services?

Moskwa: There’s still a lot of work to be done. Women in the industry need mentors and more role models to show them that their career paths can extend beyond the roles they’re currently in. You’ll find many women in compliance or supportive roles rather than in sales, business development, or senior management. We need to guide women and help them develop career paths they might not even realize are possible.

PLANADVISER: Do you still maintain any ties with WIPN?

Moskwa: Yes, I became involved again about a year ago. I hosted a retreat at my property for the past presidents, and we’ve since formed an advisory council to help the current board. I’m also working on developing a strategic plan for the future of WIPN. The organization is 15 years old now, which is amazing, and I think it’s time to start planning for the next 15 years. We need to look at expanding the organization, possibly bringing on paid staff, and determining what value we can continue to offer to our members.

PLANADVISER: It sounds like you’re still very engaged. What do you see for the future of WIPN?

Moskwa: The future is bright. I think WIPN has the potential to grow even more. We need to develop a strong strategic plan that outlines what we want to look like in the next 10 to 15 years. Whether that means expanding our educational resources or offering new benefits for members, we’ll figure it out as we go. The important thing is that WIPN continues to support women in the industry and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.
