In addition to existing plans in the “Plan Screener”
database, users will now see plans that have a “Request Plan” button next to
them. If the adviser requests a plan, it will be added to the database within
24 hours, “allowing advisers to get started on diagnostics for that plan
sponsor right away.”
“Best of all, for any plan that
you request, you will be the first advisor to diagnose and solve plan sponsor’s
potentially dangerous problems,” the firm says. “401kFO uses sophisticated
quant algorithms to optimize three things that get the response of a CFO: significant
cost savings, significant performance improvements and fiduciary liability and
best practices support.”
The firm adds that “CFOs are especially willing to talk
because 401kFiduciaryOptimizer’s reports are novel to them.”
As market volatility persists and a wealth of research
indicates Americans would need to save more to retire comfortably, many are
trailing behind. According to the latest Financial Freedom Survey by Capital
One Investing, just 62% of Americans feel confident they will retire comfortably.
That figure is down from 64%, which was recorded during the firm’s previous
The new study found that a range of factors contribute
to Americans’ retirement-planning flaws including lack of knowledge and
experience (51%), distrust of the financial services industry (49%), and lack of
pricing transparency (45%).
Moreover, inertia is preventing a large number of
Americans from saving adequately for retirement. The survey found that although
65% are dedicating portions of their income toward retirement saving, only 49% have
a long-term financial plan—highlighting Americans’ need for overall financial wellness and money-management skills. Meanwhile, 32% aren’t saving at all.
And even though 39% believe people should be saving at least 15% of their
income for retirement, only 13% are doing so.
The Capital One Investing study also offers some
insight into how Americans are saving for retirement and their preferences for
adviser interaction. The study found technology is a key factor in financial
planning. Respondents value financial information aggregators (83%), retirement
calculators (73%), technology to connect with advisers (71%), human-digital hybrid solutions (69%), and robo-advisers
“Today’s investors need a
combination of great digital tools and unbiased advice to navigate the markets
and get on a path to action and confidence,” says Yvette
Butler, president of Capital One Investing. “We’re
committed to enabling smart investing habits by delivering straightforward,
accessible tools and experiences that leverage the best of technology and human
When it comes to extreme market volatility, however,
the majority (74%) prefer human interaction with advisers. The degree to which
investors would seek help from human advisers during times of heightened market
volatility seems to vary among generations. Sixty-nine percent of Millennials
said they would seek human interaction, while 75% of Generation Xers and 74% of
Baby Boomers reported the same.
Capital One Investing’s latest Financial Freedom
Survey was conducted with input from more than 1,000 adults ages 18 or older
living in the continental United States. More information about the findings
can be found at