2017 Adviser Choice Awards

PLANADVISER has announced winners of the fourth annual Adviser Choice Awards, to be handed out at the PLANSPONSOR/PLANADVISER Excellence in Retirement Awards 2018 on March 29th.

The Adviser Choice Awards recognize retirement specialist advisers’ most favored investment and recordkeeping providers.

Each year the awards are given to those investment and recordkeeping providers who received two or more top-three rankings in various product and service categories in the 2017 PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey. At the 2018 PLANSPONSOR/PLANADVISER Excellence in Retirement Awards dinner event in New York, nine firms will be honored for their high-ranking performance in the survey, as follows:


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American Funds


Fidelity Investments

J.P. Morgan



Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Empower Retirement

Fidelity Investments

Principal Financial Group

Transamerica Retirement Solutions


Find the winners of 2016 Adviser Choice Awards here.
